Clueless in the Capital ..
Heads have started to roll now.
Shivaraj Patil steps down, dapper as ever . He is relieved , in more ways than one.
Who's next ?
The Capital does a quick count in their party of who is expendable, and who will ' understand ' and be a good soldier , and starts damage control from the PR perspective. (Elections around the corner , do not forget . ) Pakistan ministers starts playing a rapid volte face to save-face as they realise implications of what has happened . I love their strong , passionate 'politician' voice. Mr Pratap Rudy says it is too little too late ( yes, I see that he reads the newspapers ) and that the entire cabinet should resign . Hmm. Naturally I can believe that is a completely unbiased comment , not issued in the politicians self serving cant . Right ?
I have a suggestion. We stop paying our taxes , until the government delivers. We are entitled to liberty , free expression under the Democracy. We are also entitled to live free and secure , have food , water , a roof over our head , and medical care . Guess what the government is NOT doing?
So here is the thing . When I go to a hotel , Taj or the Darshini around the corner for a cup of coffee, I pay them, and guess what , they give it to me. Sometimes with fancy napkins , a warm smile , and a great CRM system , or a brusque ' Strong kaapi bekaa? .
But I get that coffee.
However, we are not getting it .
We are not getting roads , systems, security, good equipment, ability to fix a creaking machinery. But what we are getting is the warm politician handshake , and a thanks for our custom. And if we are waiting for the coffee , with our tenner in our hands , and it is just not there , why are we still leaving our money on the table?
Mahatma Gandhi brought in Civil Disobedience .
Lets admit we are a trifle more materialistic as a civil society today , and smart enough to know the one place that will hurt the government .
The first movement we need today is Economic Disobedience.
We want KRAs to be actioned , and deliverables evaluated regularly. We want a monthly assessment ,and we want results and explanations. You work for us , not the other way around .
As individuals and corporates , we pay Advance Tax, Income Tax, Service Tax, VAT , Sales Tax, Fringe Benefit Tax. Far too many taxes . And I have no idea where it goes.
When did you last see it work for you ?
Does this sound fair ?
Does this sound like a plan?
Lets start. Dig in our heels.
Lets tell them, and lets start.
He did the right thing...I saw the coverage on TV and he spat venom at them...
As you say "Vultures...."
An outpouring from the heart filled with rage and frustration at the politicians and say enough is enough . Now get out and rot in hell.
Yo have set the ball rolling , and now its going to snowball , burying the wicked and selfish who wield power through caste and religion. Young India waking up - and this spells doom of vote bank politics.
If people unite as a part of India and not a linguistic state , then we can have responsible, accountable people. Your writing spells death to all those politicians who survive on schisms.
India is waking up .
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