Saturday, May 05, 2007

No more late hours for Women in Bangalore ?

Last evening , I was interviewed by CNN-IBN on the Night Shifts for Women issue .
Karnataka Labor Minister Mr Ansari had announced on May Day that Women (outside of IT/ITES/Hospitals and Essential Services ) would not be allowed to work after 8 pm.

Many eyebrows raised, I think .

A little retrograde, and definitely a tad patronising I would guess . Women's equality and the right to work is enshrined in the Constitution.
Why are we throwing out the baby with the bathwater , to use a rather over worn phrase .
Why these knee jerk, populist measures ?
Aren't men and women working at any hours entitled to expect good law and order , and adequate security at all hours?
Isn't infrastructure also an important issue to check safety of employees?
When did darkness become the official cut off time for crime?

The move has an unlikely chance of going through, but it did certainly engage a lot of debate .
Women center stage again. For all the wrong reasons.

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