Blogging in Solitude ?
A colleague was intrigued to know that I blog .
( Well, 20 posts make me a near veteran in my eyes , so the eyebrows can descend !)
Yes I do , I said with increased certainty . Umm, well, occasionally .
What do you blog about , she asked - Some personal stuff, some philosophical, and perhaps personal moments , some fluff, some just-like - that stuff. You know.
Me too, she said
But I never receive any comments, or feedback on my blog . I have googled myself and never found my blog , she continued .
Do you want to , I asked .
Nope, this is just for me , she replied .
Not really , I replied. Not unless you want to be found . If one wanted to just write for oneself , one would use a word document , a diary , even an email to a buddy , whatever , but surely not a blog . Maybe its not vanity writing as such . One writes and softly chats with oneself , perhaps, but there is always a unsaid hope somewhere , that there will be an answering aha, a soft echo of understanding , some resonance in thought .
I see a friends blog , (which is why I got motivated to start one, actually ) and I think I have understood him much better than I have in years , because he writes with dismissive honesty, great style and humor . And I see the comments that he gets , a whole tapestry of a virtual life out there . Fascinating.
Does he write for himself ? Maybe yes,and then again ,maybe no .
I look back at some stuff I have written, and there is a bit of this and a bit of that .
I have blogged when I had something mildly amusing to giggle about ,something interesting to share , sometime perhaps just vanity writing , because I like to look at words i have typed ( ewww, I just said that ! ), and sometimes when i have felt so much loss , that the only thing I could do was write . And somewhere into the wide blue blogosphere , went the words , like clouds , like sun rays and like rain , lasting for a moment , and then again lasting for as long as I wanted . Its like looking into a well, or into a tunnel , and saying , just because you like to hear the echo - 'Is anyone there ?'
Hello, is someone there ?
( Well, 20 posts make me a near veteran in my eyes , so the eyebrows can descend !)
Yes I do , I said with increased certainty . Umm, well, occasionally .
What do you blog about , she asked - Some personal stuff, some philosophical, and perhaps personal moments , some fluff, some just-like - that stuff. You know.
Me too, she said
But I never receive any comments, or feedback on my blog . I have googled myself and never found my blog , she continued .
Do you want to , I asked .
Nope, this is just for me , she replied .
Not really , I replied. Not unless you want to be found . If one wanted to just write for oneself , one would use a word document , a diary , even an email to a buddy , whatever , but surely not a blog . Maybe its not vanity writing as such . One writes and softly chats with oneself , perhaps, but there is always a unsaid hope somewhere , that there will be an answering aha, a soft echo of understanding , some resonance in thought .
I see a friends blog , (which is why I got motivated to start one, actually ) and I think I have understood him much better than I have in years , because he writes with dismissive honesty, great style and humor . And I see the comments that he gets , a whole tapestry of a virtual life out there . Fascinating.
Does he write for himself ? Maybe yes,and then again ,maybe no .
I look back at some stuff I have written, and there is a bit of this and a bit of that .
I have blogged when I had something mildly amusing to giggle about ,something interesting to share , sometime perhaps just vanity writing , because I like to look at words i have typed ( ewww, I just said that ! ), and sometimes when i have felt so much loss , that the only thing I could do was write . And somewhere into the wide blue blogosphere , went the words , like clouds , like sun rays and like rain , lasting for a moment , and then again lasting for as long as I wanted . Its like looking into a well, or into a tunnel , and saying , just because you like to hear the echo - 'Is anyone there ?'
Hello, is someone there ?
Priya.. if you write it they will come..
Once they visit they will keep visiting..
Keep On Blogging
Thats not i meant. i was just saying that one doesnt always blog for oneself or others. Somewhere inbetween.
Whats your driver to blog?
Since you hv been clearly established as blogmentor, id be keen to know . Not tormentor, mind you !
the way you develop readership is by going to other blogs and commenting there. they will follow the links and get to your blog. so, for starters, you might want to comment on vijay's blog.
of course writing on an issue that is bound to generate controversy will never hurt ;-). see aditya's take on whatmore, for instance.
as far as what is the driver to someone's blog, you might want to read an ongoing discussion i have been having with 'december stud'. also, one of the links i have is to another post by usha.
i wondered once why i am on your blogroll. now i wonder why december stud is not! :-)
- s.b.
LOL @ the last comment. yeah, Vijay doesn't like me at all ;)
Priya, came here via Viajy's blog (but real credit to SB). Real neat stuff here.....a very true piece.
priya, don't worry, s.b. can single-handedly promote your blog and drive traffic to it better than desipundit can.
For all his efforts, he's very shy about revealing his own blog site.
@SB: Full "Narada" kelasa..
@DS: "Mistake" has been rectified..
@Priya: SB has the capability to take a blog and turn its topic topsy turvy... he and DS have hijacked many a blog on BB ;-)
@Terri: SB is on my Blogroll.. guess which one?
SB, did you get the input on installation on a site ?
and you can set up the snapshot link of your site ?
I am just terribly smart , I think
i did get your information about the snap, and looked it over. however, i do not need to use it, as i do not plan to create one more blog on blogspot (in addition to the ones i have created and do not use anymore). sorry for the misunderstanding.
- s.b.
chitra's blogspot blog has the recent comments feature enabled. check it out! it would be really nice if all blogspotters would adapt it.
- s.b.
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