Friday, August 11, 2006

Spotted - other's BlogSpots

Interesting , now I can blog by email as well.

I have discovered that quite a few of my friends blog . Yes they do . In fact  I think Vijay Mysore is a MULTIPLE blogger.Such a show off , when people like us  barely have mindspace for one .  I have pinned him down to one however , and it has an amazing walk down Bangalore's food memory lane. Vidyarthi Bhavan, Brahmin's et al. If another couple of blogs legitimately  surface , I shall share it  here.

You also  have to check out Sugar's blog spot . Who is Sugar?
Do you know Anita Nair , the famous writer ? (  Well, she is Sugar's Human, although I think Sugar writes pretty decently herself. Maybe she  has been giving Anita some lessons on the side . Check out her blog at 
We need to set up a link to each other , because CJ enjoys her chats with Sugar quite a bit.

1 comment:

Vijay said...

What man? Calling me names and everything...

My other blog is